Selasa, 28 April 2015

Telling About My Experience

My name is Tasya, now I'll tell you all about my work experience at Js Luwansa Hotel. Everyone in this world definitely has experience throughout their lives and now, I'll tell. it began when two years ago. when I was in school in 57 vocational hight school, majored in hospitality and it is part of the learning time.

I was there a lot of science that I learned when I was able to get a trainer and a new friend. there I worked in the housekeeping and laundry. science I get when in housekeeping is how to do we clean up the beds, clean the bathroom, any chemical that is used in accordance with its function as well as we should be careful until the section of the smallest parts. and I also know how to behave to customers and superiors. And did the same in the laundry there, I learned how to handle a guest laundry, guest laundry until the process is finished we clean, it was not indiscriminate guests to wash clothes.

It actually works quite tiring because from 7 am until 5 pm .Although it was tiring, but I enjoyed my job. and nor I am satisfied because I get pretty good value for 6 months I traner there. and by doing this trainer made me realize how my parents work to earn money to finance their children and also made me realize as my son should not be wasteful.

Sabtu, 18 April 2015


Question Yes/No
Yes or no questions are questions whose expected answer is either "yes" or "no".

How to form yes-no questions
In English, a special word order (Verb Subject Object) is used to form yes-no questions.

Yes or No Question
They are American
Are they American?
She is nice
Is she nice?

The rules

1. If the main verb of the sentence is "to be", simply invert the subject and the verb to be:

  • They are Germany. — Are they Germany?
  • They are nice. — Are they nice?
2. If the sentence includes a main verb and another or other helping (auxiliary) verb(s), invert the subject and the (first) helping (auxiliary) verb.

  • They are visiting Paris. — Are they visiting Paris?
  • She has done the housework. — Has she done the housework
  • Nancy has been working all night long. — Has Nancy been working all night long?
  • He will be reading the book. — Will he be reading the book?
3. If the sentence includes a verb which is not the verb "to be" and doesn't include a helping (auxiliary) verb, the transformation is more complex.
a. If the verb is in the present tense, add either do or does and put the main verb in its base form:
  • do if the subject is the first person singular, second person singular, first person plural, second person plural and third person plural (I, you, we, they)
    I like apples. — Do you like apples?
    They go to a high school. — Do they go to a high school?
  • does if the subject is the third person singular (he, she, it).
    Nancy reads a lot. — Does Nancy read a lot?
    He hates basketball. — Does he hate basketball?
b. If the verb is in the past tense, add did and put the main verb in its base form:

  • He discovered the truth. — Did he discover the truth?
  • She wrote a nice essay. — Did she write a nice essay?
  • They did the homework. — Did they do the homework?
Wh-questions are questions that begin with one of the eight “wh ” words: who, whose, what, when, which, why, where and how. Questions formed with “wh ” words ask about the word or phrase the “wh ” word replaces. Who replaces pronouns and the names of people. When the question word is the subject, the word order doesn't change:
Columbus discovered America in 1492.”
 Who discovered America in 1492?”

Question words
Question words are also called wh questions because they include the letters 'W' and 'H'.
Question words
Who's that? That's Nancy.
Where do you live? In Boston
Why do you sleep early? Because I've got to get up early
When do you go to work? At 7:00
How do you go? By car
object, idea or action
What do you do? I am an engineer
Which one do you prefer? The red one.
Whose is this book? It's Alan's.
object of the verb
Whom did you meet? I met the manager.
what kind
What kind of music do you like? I like quiet songs
what time
What time did you come home?
how many
quantity (countable)
How many students are there? There are twenty.
how much
amount, price (uncountable)
How much time have we got? Ten minutes
how long
duration, length
How long did you stay in that hotel? For two weeks.
how often
How often do you go to the gym? Twice a week.
how far
How far is your school? It's one mile far.
how old
How old are you? I'm 16.
how come
How come I didn't see you at the party?

Asking questions
1.If you ask about the subject of the sentence, simply add the question word at the beginning:
James writes good poems. — Who writes good poems?
2.If you ask about the predicate of the sentence (the part of a sentence which contains the verb and gives information about the subject), there are three options:

  • ·         If there is a helping (auxiliary) verb that precedes the main verb ( for example: can, is, are, was, were, will, would...), add the question word and invert the subject and the helping (auxiliary) verb.

He can speak Chinese. — What can he speak?
They are leaving tonight. — When are they leaving?

  • ·         If you ask about the predicate and there is no helping (auxiliary) verb and the verb is "to be", simply add the question verb and invert the subject and the verb.

The play was interesting. — How was the play?

  • ·         If there is no helping (auxiliary) verb in the the predicate and the main verb is not "to be", add the auxiliary "do" in the appropriate form.

They go to the movies every Saturday. — Where do they go every Saturday?
He wakes up early. — When does he wake up?
They sent a letter. — What did they send?

Question tag
A tag question is a question we can add to the end of a statement.
The basic rules for forming the two-word tag questions are as follows:
* the subject in the statement matches the subject in the tag
* the auxiliary verb or verb to be in the statement matches the verb used in the  
* if the statement is positive, the tag is usually negative and vice versa

If the main part of the sentence is positive, the question tag is negative ….
  • He’s a doctor, isn’t he?
  • You work in a bank, don’t you?
... and if the main part of the sentence is negative, the question tag is positive.
  • You haven’t met him, have you?
  • She isn’t coming, is she?
With auxiliary verbs
The question tag uses the same verb as the main part of the sentence. If this is an auxiliary verb (‘have’, ‘be’) then the question tag is made with the auxiliary verb.
  • They’ve gone away for a few days, haven’t they?
  • They weren’t here, were they?
  • He had met him before, hadn’t he?
  • This isn’t working, is it?
Without auxiliary verbs
If the main part of the sentence doesn’t have an auxiliary verb, the question tag uses an appropriate form of ‘do’.
  • I said that, didn’t I?
  • You don’t recognise me, do you?
  • She eats meat, doesn’t she?
With modal verbs
If there is a modal verb in the main part of the sentence the question tag uses the same modal verb.
  • They couldn’t hear me, could they?
  • You won’t tell anyone, will you?
With ‘I am’
Be careful with question tags with sentences that start ‘I am’. The question tag for ‘I am’ is ‘aren’t I?’
  • I’m the fastest, aren’t I?
Source :

Kamis, 09 April 2015



          Pengertian pasar adalah suatu tempat atau proses interaksi antara
permintaan (pembeli) dan penawaran (penjual) dari suatu barang/jasa tertentu, sehingga akhirnya dapat menetapkan harga keseimbangan (harga pasar) dan jumlah yang diperdagangkan. Jadi setiap proses yang mempertemukan antara pembeli dan penjual, maka akan membentuk harga yang disepakati antara pembeli dan penjual.

        Pengertian struktur pasar adalah karakteristik organisasi pasar yang mempengaruhi sifat kompetisi dan harga di dalam pasar


   Pasar persaingan sempurna adalah suatu bentuk interaksi antara permintaan dengan penawaran di mana jumlah pembeli dan penjual sedemikian rupa banyaknya/ tidak terbatas.
Ciri-ciri pasar sempurna:
·         Jumlah penjual dan pembeli yang banyak
·         Produk yang di perdagangkan sama atau bisa di bilang homogen.
·         Pemerintah tidak ikut campur tangan dalam proses pembentukan harga.
Jenis-jenis pasar sempurna:
·         Jumlah penjual dan pembeli banyak
·         Barang yang di jual sama/homogen
·         Harga di tentukan mekanisme pasar permintaan dan penawaran
·         Posisi tawar konsumen kuat
·         Sensitif pada perubahan harga
·         Sulit mendapatkan keuntungan lebih / diatas rata-rata.

   Pasar persaingan tidak sempurna adalah pasar yang tidak terorganisasi secara sempurna, atau bentuk pasar di mana salah satu ciri dari pasar persaingan sempurna tidak terpenuhi. Pasar persaingan tidak sempurna terdiri atas pasar monopoli, oligopoli, dan pasar persaingan monopolistik.

   Pasar monopoli adalah suatu bentuk interaksi antara permintaan dan penawaran di mana hanya ada satu penjual/produsen yang berhadapan dengan banyak pembeli atau konsumen.
Pasar monopoli memiliki ciri-ciri:
·         hanya ada satu produsen yang menguasai penawaran
·         tidak ada barang substitusi/pengganti yang mirip
·         produsen memiliki kekuatan menentukan harga
·         tidak ada pengusaha lain yang bisa memasuki pasar tersebut karena ada hambatan berupa keunggulan perusahaan
Sebab-sebab terjadi nya pasar monopoli:
·         penguasaan bahan mentah,
·         penguasaan teknik produksi tertentu,
·         pemberian hak istimewa dari pemerintah (misalnya hak paten),
·         adanya lisensi (pemberian izin kepada perusahaan tertentu yang ditunjuk),
Kebaikan pasar monopoli:
·         Industri-industri yang berkembang banyak yang bersifat monopoli.
·         Mendorong untuk adanya inovasi baru agar tetap terjaga monopolinya.
·         Tidak akan mungkin timbul perusahaan-perusahaan yang kecil sehingga perusahaan monopoli akan semakin besar.
Kelemahan pasar monopoli:
·         Tidak efisiensinya biaya produksi, karena perusahaan monopoli tidak memanfaatkan secara penuh penghematan ongkos produksi atau sering disebut timbulnya pemborosan.
·         Konsumen merasa berat karena harus membeli barang dengan harga sangat tinggi oleh perusahaan monopoli.

   Pasar oligopoli adalah suatu bentuk interaksi permintaan dan penawaran, di mana terdapat beberapa penjual/produsen yang menguasai seluruh permintaan.
Oligopoli memiliki ciri-ciri:
·         Terdapat beberapa penjual/produsen yang menguasai pasar.
·         Barang yang diperjual-belikan dapat homogen dan dapat pula berbeda corak
·         Terdapat hambatan masuk yang cukup kuat bagi perusahaan di luar pasar untuk
masuk ke dalam pasar
Kebaikan pasar oligopoli antara lain sebagai berikut.
·         Industri-industri oligopoly bisa mengadakan inovasi dan penerapan teknologi baru yang paling pesat,
·         Terdorong untuk berlomba penemuan proses produksi baru dan penurunan ongkos produksi,
·         Lebih mampu menyediakan dana untuk pengembangan dan penelitian.
Kelemahannya antara lain sebagai berikut.
·         Kemungkinan adanya keuntungan yang terlalu besar (excess profit) yang dinikmati produsen.
·         Tidak efisiensi produksi karena setiap produsen tidak beroperasi pada biaya rata-rata yang minimum.
·         Kemungkinan adanya eksploitasi konsumen maupun buruh.
·         Terdapat kenaikan harga (inflasi) yang merugikan masyarakat secara makro.

     Pasar monopolistik adalah suatu bentuk interaksi antara permintaan dengan penawaran di mana terdapat sejumlah besar penjual yang menawarkan barang yang sama. Pasar monopolistik merupakan pasar yang memiliki sifat monopoli pada spesifikasi barangnya. Sedangkan unsur persaingan pada banyak penjual yang menjual produk yang sejenis.
Ciri –ciri dari pasar monopolistik:
·         Terdapat banyak penjual/produsen yang berkecimpung di pasar.
·         Barang yang diperjual-belikan merupakan differentiated product.
·         Para penjual memiliki kekuatan monopoli atas barang produknya sendiri.
·         Untuk memenangkan persaingan setiap penjual aktif melakukan promosi/iklan.
·         Keluar masuk pasar barang/produk relatif lebih mudah.
Kebaikan pasar monopolistik antara lain sebagai berikut.
·         Konsumen memiliki banyak pilihan barang.
·         Produsen dapat menentukan harga sendiri-sendiri dalam satu pasar karena tidak ada persaingan.
·         Masing-masing monopolistik mempunyai keuntungan sendiri-sendiri karena memiliki pasar (konsumen) sendirisendiri.
Sementara itu, kelemahannya antara lain sebagai berikut.
·         Tidak efisiennya produksi karena produsen tidak berproduksi dengan biaya rata-rata (AC) yang minimum.
·         Terlalu banyak perusahaan kecil.
·         Konsumen masih harus membayar harga produk yang lebih tinggi dari biaya produksi untuk menghasilkan produk tersebut
